A typical monitoring appointment is a brief office visit (typically 10-15 minutes) which consists of an ultrasound (to measure the...
Archives: FAQ
In general, ovarian stimulation/egg retrieval process is a very safe medical intervention. It is estimated that there are around 2.5...
Ovarian stimulation/egg retrieval is typically a two-week process as follows: Hormone Stimulation: 10-14 days of hormone injections, ending with a...
Our office and biorepository is located in a single story building that meets all California building codes concerning seismic activity....
The storage system we use does not rely on any power. It is simply just liquid nitrogen submersion. So a...
Along with identification safety, biorepository safety is the top priority in our lab. We have exceeded industry standards in our...
We have a system of multiple checks in place that include 2-person witnessing system, physical labels on the canes, straws,...
Yes, some patients may want the flexibility of having both frozen eggs and frozen embryos available for use in the...
Eggs freezing and IVF initially follow the exact same clinical procedures which consist of 1) ovarian stimulation (ultrasound monitoring and...
If you don't end up using your frozen eggs, there are several possible dispositions for your frozen eggs including donation...