The Female Fertility Check Up

finding out where you stand

Learn about the various testing options available to shed light on your reproductive potential. This page is for women who are not currently trying to conceive but would like more information about the future. If you are actively trying to conceive please visit our page on modern fertility diagnostics. (LINK)

Frame 263
ovarian reserve
Frame 263-1
pelvic anatomy

ranking information

Fertility tests can be arranged into a rank “order of importance” as some will have a higher chance of yielding more immediate action than others. When acquiring information your future fertility, the top three questions that you want ask are:

”What potential problems can I learn about now that would have the most impact on my future fertility?”
“How common are those problems?”.
“Can the problems get worse (progressive) as I age?”

To give you some reference in answering these questions, we’ve arranged the major fertility tests in a rank order from the potentially most impactful to potentially least impactful information regarding your future fertility. We’ve qualified information based upon the power (P) of the problem, the occurrence (O) of the problem and the progression (P) of the problem. We call this your POP score and have ranked problems on a 1-9 scale: the higher the POP score, the more serious the problem

Please note: POP scores are based on the MFC patient population and intended to contrast relative differences for education purposes. Readers residing in other geographic areas may have markedly different incidences of specific fertility problems and therefore may have a different rank order. This list is not a substitution for individual consultation by a qualified provider (where specific risk factors can be factored in) nor meant to direct specific medical advice on testing. It is focused specifically on patients who are not currently trying to conceive. Current age and and an individual’s risk factors should always be considered.

Test focus

POP score

Ovarian Reserve
Uterine factors
Cycle Tracking/Ovulation Tracking
Fallopian tubes

getting it done

Fertility testing can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Insight into ovulation can be accomplished for free with a tracking system, (some relevant and some not relevant, read more below!)hormone tests) are now available “at home” but a truly comprehensive approach requires an office consultation with a qualified provider. Below is a table of the basic pathways to completing the main testing areas.

Please remember: this “fertility check-up” page is dedicated to those that have no identified problems and have not started trying to conceive. For individuals and couples who have been trying to conceive but are struggling, please visit our page on modern fertility testing.

Area of focus


Ovarian reserve
Ultrasound Antral follicle count( AFC)
Antimullerian hormone (AMH)



Endometrial Biopsy


Indirect tests
Direct tests

Home and laboratory

Symptom & sign tracking Calendars and apps Wearables Urine based


Ultrasound visualization



Genetic Testing


Fallopian tubes



Who should consider getting a fertility check-up?
How often should fertility check-ups be done?
What if fertility check-up results indicate a problem?
Is there an ideal time in the menstrual cycle for fertility check-ups?
Do fertility check-ups guarantee pregnancy?
Are fertility check-ups covered by insurance?

Learn more

egg freezing

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learning hub

Your comprehensive resource guide for all things related to fertility and reproductive health. Dive into a wealth of carefully curated media including educational videos, blogs, articles and informative guides designed...

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