the gold standard for success

Whereas a young, healthy couple has 20-25% chance of conceiving every month, good prognosis infertility patients have up to a 65-70% chance of pregnancy with a single embryo transfer.

complex technology, simplified treatment

1-3 weeks

Average time between your new patient consultation and starting IVF


Average number of office visits to retrieve eggs

20 mins

Egg retrieval procedure

8 weeks

Time between starting IVF with preimplantation genetic testing and your first pregnancy test


Chance of pregnancy per a single genetically-tested embryo

what sets mfc apart

MFC’s entire enterprise is structured on its commitment to the patient as an individual. When it comes to IVF, this means better outcomes. 

the individualized clinic

At MFC, you’re a unique and cherished individual with your own background, values and goals.

the individualized lab

Customized fertility solutions in our advanced lab, tailored for your journey


implantation and graduation

  • First pregnancy test 9 days after embryo transfer.
  • First ultrasound 9 days after 1st positive pregnancy test.
  • Graduation (transfer of care to Ob-Gyn) at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy

success rates

2021 Success Rates (NASS) : Percentage of transfer resulting in live-birth deliveries
Woman’s age <35 35-37 38-40 >40
Marin Fertility Center % of transfers resulting in live birth 60.7% 77.7% 60% 30%
Other clinics % of transfers resulting in live birth 49.0% 44.7% 40.0% 24.1%

Marin Fertility Center 2021 report

CDC 2021 National Data

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